Tuesday, February 7

Yesterday -- Intermission – Work day begins: 7:00 AM Being that I’m between projects, I’ll take care of the loose ends that have been piling up before diving into the next one. That means a trip into town this morning, doing some bookkeeping, and a few phone calls. I’ll try to arrange delivery of Iliff’s chair – I need to get that out of the shop so I can get started on the next project… and getting paid would be nice too! Lunch Time I’m nibbling on some left-over pizza as I keep after the Treasures tax paperwork. I had to stop for a bit and fix my scanner/copier. Got the chores done in town. Managed to get hold of Iliff and make arrangements for payment and delivery. Tommy will be showing up soon for some help working on a special project. I have to get this tax stuff finished before then. Workshop closes: 3:00 PM Tommy’s project took only a half hour to complete, and I’ve got the chair loaded in the truck. I’m heading out to catch Iliff at his office in Newport before he leaves for the day. I connected with Iliff and got the check. Marie won't be done with her stuff for a while yet, so I am sitting in the Community Center hot-spot with our notebook computer uploading new pictures to our web sites. It’s going well… 5 times faster than I could do it over my BellSloth dial-up connection at home (on a really good day, 50 times faster than on a bad day at home.) When I finish here I’ll go pick up Marie and we’ll head for Parrottsville to deliver Iliff’s chair to his Ranch House. It will be late by the time we’re done, so we’ll stop for dinner on our way back. A few more details to finish before bed. Our I-net connection is bad tonight, can't post the notes. Will try again in the morning.

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