Wednesday, February 21

Wednesday – Leg Sets

Today was spent drilling pilot holes, counter sinks and counter bores for the various screw locations in all the parts. While I was at it I went ahead and sanded and assembled the leg sets. Once the spreaders are routed and sanded I will be ready to add them to the leg sets to make table bases. That will be tomorrow’s project.

Our block layers came in this morning to work on the new foundation. That was something of a surprise to me since it had rained on and off all night, leaving the construction site a mucky mess. But they were here at 8:00 just like usual and got right to work. It started raining about 10:00 and they kept at it until around 10:20 when it began to lightning and rain real hard. That drove them off.

An hour later the sun popped out and it’s been a beautiful, warm day all afternoon.


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