Wednesday, January 5

Walnut Trunk – Tray Construction

My first task today was to rip the tray blank to width on the table saw, then install the big cut-off sled and cut the panel to length. One end was even and squared up as well as I could, but this end had all the random lengths sticking out. The cut-off will make good firewood this evening while we watch a movie together.

The second task was to put away the sled and install my tall fence on the table saw. This will help me cut the little rabbets on the underside of the tray panel. I use a piece of that cut-off scrap to set it up and tune in the cut for a perfect fit, then run all four edges of the tray panel through.

Care must be taken to keep the panel edge sitting on the table saw top; if it lifts a lump will result that will mean that the side or end piece will not fit. I also use feather boards to help insure that the panel stays pushed back against the tall fence. If it creeps out a little, the panel edge will be too thin and gaps will result.
When this is all done I finish sand the panel and shoot the edges with lacquer so raw wood will not be exposed when the tray panel shrinks up from low humidity. It’s humid today, has been for weeks. Then I sand the insides only of the tray sides and ends.

When the sanding is all done I test fit the parts. The tray panel is a little less than 1/8” too wide and the sides will not draw up against the end pieces like they should, so I take the assembly apart, shave off the needed amount of wood from one edge and run that edge through the table saw again to widen the rabbet. Now it fits perfectly.

My final task for the day is to apply glue to the corners and draw them together snuggly with clamps. I’ll leave the clamps on until tomorrow.

Thanks for looking in, I’ll see you next time!

Still to Build:

Walnut Steamer Trunk for David B. – In Progress
Kitchen organizer - Marie B.- Producing Design
Utility Trailer Make-Over for David B. - In Progress, sort of
4 Tray Tables, All Walnut (custom size) with stand for Shelly
3-Tier Bottle Stopper Rack, all red Oak for Donna
4-Tier Bottle Stopper Rack Cherry & Maple for David K.
3-Tier Bottle Stopper Rack (Standard) for Dan G.
Computer Desk for Laptop for Marie B.
Printer Cabinet for Marie B.
4 TV Tray Tables and Stand in maple for Jeffrey P.

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