Monday, April 10

Eng Gdn Bench Day 10a

Work day begins: 5:30 AM The early morning was spent taking care of some chores on the Treasures of Appalachia web site. Just before breakfast I went out to start a fire to warm the shop because it’s still pretty chilly in the mornings. However, things then went weird on me. The entire morning ended up being spent dealing with stuff and fixing peoples problems. None of which had anything at all to do with our woodworking, but other projects that we are affiliated with. And a couple had nothing much to do with anything… they just happened to call me. Lunch Time Time for a quick lunch, them I’m leaving the phone in the house and heading out to the workshop. Workshop closes: 5:15 PM I got most of the mortises cut in the front and rear legs this afternoon. These monsters are tough to do even with a mortiser: white oak is tough, hard wood and getting the chisel to penetrate for a ¾”wide, 1¾ deep cut requires lots of pressure. If the chisel/bit set makes it all the way through this project, it will be junk when I’m done. Billable Man Hours: 4.25 Billable Materials: None To view the detailed construction article on this piece, click this entry’s title above. If you enjoy this Daily Shop Notes blog, you will also want to look at our Doug Bob blog, .which is available from my profile page.

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