Thursday, December 22

 Today I'll make the parts that will become the side pieces of the Heritage Cradle.  This is done in two steps, a long piece for the lower box, and a short piece that forms the side of the hood.  Let's start with the long part.  I rough out four pieces, two per side and joint one face and one edge, then surface plane them.
 I arrange them for best color and grain match, then glue and clamp them.
 Cut-offs from the first step can be used to make up the shorter section for the hood sides.  I arrange them for a good look, and the ability to work around any gnarly bits, then make lay-out marks to help me keep them in position.
They they too get glued and clamped.

Normally I could now go back and work the long parts while the glue dries on the short parts, but I want to surface plane all the parts at the same time to be sure they come out the same thickness because the hood sides will mount atop the front section of the long sides.  So, I'll wait until these catch up.

Beside, this evening is the mandatory company Christmas party - meaning that Marie and I are going out to dinner and then drive into Gatlinburg to see their light display.  Always spectacular!  So i need to get home and get cleaned up and changed.

So I'll pick this up again tomorrow.  See you then!

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