Tuesday, February 1

Custom Tray Tables - getting started

Today I launch into the next pair of projects: a set of custom TV Tray tables (our final custom order) all walnut and 25” x 25” trays for Shelly and a set of 4 Classic TV Tray Tables with stand for Jeff.

I start on by clearing away my work bench and digging into the pile of walnut lumber I bought in to acclimate a while back.  I’ll sort through this and decide which boards are best suited to making which pieces, chunk up the boards to rough length blanks and begin the process of milling this lumber into parts blanks.

I'm building both projects together because they are both TV Tray Table sets and both will use walnut in their construction.

What We’re Building:

Utility Trailer Make-Over for David B. - In Progress
4 Tray Tables, all walnut (custom size) with stand for Shelly – In Progress
4 TV Tray Tables and stand in maple for Jeffrey P. – In Progress
Kitchen organizer - Marie B.- Producing Design
Computer Desk for Laptop for Marie B.
Printer Cabinet for Marie B.

1 comment:

  1. Doug,

    Very excited about the trays! Just a reminder though: my TV tray set should be in maple rather than walnut. You have this detail correct in the project summary, but make reference to "both sets in walnut" in today's update.

    Best wishes,



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